I would like to thank the exhibitors for their lovely entry & the sporting way they received my decisions.
MPD (2) 1 RCC & BP, Finnett & Heathcote’s Hyndsight Desperado, lovely puppy, clean head, neck let into clean shoulders, good bone, drooping quarters, very sound. Wish he was mine; 2 Trotman & Dockree’s Stainlonan Pageant of Penherald, very much a baby but is a nice shape. Good neck, steady mover.
PD (3) 1 Grimshaw’s Greyflax Domino to Jamalison, nice dog, deep brisket, good front & topline, sound. Unlucky to meet MP; 2 Peach’s Kilbourne Tyne, different shape to 1. Steady mover. Would like a little more bone; 3 Pinches’ Leoch Jock.
JD (1) 1 Grimshaw’s Greyflax The Jazz Singer to Jamalison, upstanding youngster, pleasing make & shape, sound mover.
PGD (8) 1 CC & BOB, Finnett & Heathcote’s Hyndsight Run To You, correct make & shape, good clean shoulders, drooping quarters, sound mover; 2 Parsons & McKinnon’s Finlas at Claonaiglen, similar make & shape, good front quarters; 3 Lewis’ Luckhurst Nairn.
LD (4) 1 Macbean’s Killoeter Ruaig, upstanding, sound moving dog, deep brisket, sound quarters; 2 Barret’s Pharcourse Noah at Stranwith, shapely dog, lots to like about him; 3 Taylor’s Kilbourne Usher to Ormanstar.
OD (5,1a) 1 Wilkinson’s Sireadh Chase, old fashioned type of Deerhound, nothing exaggerated, sound; 2 Helps’ Beardswood Quinlan, good head, neck into clean shoulders. Not as positive on the move as 1; 3 Wilson’s Hamiltonhill Fred D Mercury.
GCD (0).
MPB (3) 1 Hindsight Because The Night, shapely, sound baby. Pleasing head, shoulders & front, drooping quarters; 2 Barter & Christian’s Ehlaradawn Moonflower, pleasing head, neck, topline, quarters, sound mover; 3 Allday & Foster’s Kilbourne Sweet Charity.
PB (4,1) 1 Adams’ Ardneish Filifjonken, sound, shapely baby, pleasing front & quarters; 2 Peach’s Kilbourne Morda, at the moment this puppy looks very angular but should with age round off into a nice bitch; 3 Taylor & Peach’s Kilbourne Tess to Talorpeche.
JB (3,1) 1 Taylor’s Ormanstar Cherry Blossom, steady youngster, pleasing make & shape, nice quarters; 2 Wilbraham’s Marivon Fallon, it would have been nice to see this junior move as the exhibitor seemed unable to move as directed.
PGB (11,1) 1 CC, Bailey’s Greyflax Summer Breeze, shapely, good front, head & expression, well sprung ribs, sound quarters which she uses on the move; 2 Helps’ Beardswood Rhymi, similar in make & shape. Not just as positive on the move as 1 but nevertheless a nice bitch; 3 Owen, Brodie & Cody’s Wolfscastle Greyce.
LB (8,2) 1 RCC, Finnett & Heathcote’s Hyndsight Runin Down A Dream, shapely, sound moving with a good front, shoulder & good body; 2 Trotman & Dockree’s Stainlonan Kulang of Penherald, another sound moving bitch with lots to like about her. Unlucky to meet 1; 3 Taylor’s Kilbourne Pandora to Talorpeche.
OB (9,2) 1 Bailey’s Greyflax Just Peachy, sound moving, quality bitch. Good front, correct make & shape, sound quarters; 2 Redmond & Friend’s Ch Sahgiead Lady Sea with Greybrows, similar type, good head, shoulders, sound mover; 3 Barter & Christian’s Ehlaradawn Raindances.
GCB (1) A.